
I lead research at Metagov. I’m also a doctoral student in computer science at Oxford, studying under Samson Abramsky and Bob Coecke. Previously, I held fellowships at Stanford (at the Digital Civil Society Lab), Princeton (in the CS department), and MIT (in the math department). I completed my master’s in pure math at the Courant Institute at NYU, where my research involved applications of geometry and topology to artificial intelligence. For my thesis, I’ve been exploring different ways of applying category theory and sheaf theory to computational learning theory. I also conduct more applied research on collective intelligence and the governance of online communities.

For an updated list of publications and preprints, please see my CV.


  • I co-founded Metagov.
  • I lead DAOstar.
  • I advocate for public AI.
  • I do research on subsymbolic organizations.
  • I run a research project and RFP to support interoperable deliberative tools with Aviv Ovadya, Colin Megill, Amy Zhang, and Eugene Leventhal.
  • I lead To Community, a project funded by the NSF, Ford, Sloan, Omidyar, and Open Collective to build calculators that model governance transitions in open source and E2C.
  • I started a “bank” for DAOs at a hackathon. We won!
  • I’m working on a paper surveying the analogies between artificial and collective intelligence with Divya Siddarth and Jacy Reese Anthis.
  • I’m helping organize a few events in 2024, including a math for governance workshop at Edinburgh (part of the Mathematics for Humanity series), DAO NYC (part of SBC ’24), AI Palace, AI as Public Infrastructure at the Library of Congress, and maybe something in Thailand for the fall.
  • I’m working on a paper exploring “isomorphic” structures inspired by causal theory in the context of style transfer and cross-domain learning (based on an older project with Wistan Chou and Sokwoo Rhee on theoretical guarantees for cycle consistency).
  • I edit a book series with Bob Coecke called Applied Category Theory, published by Cambridge University Press. The first book in the series is Theoretical Computer Science for the Working Category Theorist by Noson Yanofsky. Email us if you have an idea.
  • I’d like to build an integration between Airtable (where I track my projects) and WordPress so that I can update this page automatically. Along with a few other workplace automations. If this is something you can help me do, I’ll pay you!


I am currently collecting my thoughts and questions into a summary of my research (the first version was my master’s thesis); any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! The paper is modeled on this paper by Andreas Holmstrom.

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